Capturing a Rocket Launch in Analog and Digital

This past week, I had the opportunity to chronicle a Dragon rocket launch at Cape Kennedy in Florida and did it with my journal as well as a with my Journalist app on a Surface Pro tablet.  I combined them here to share.

Vehicle Assembly Building
Rocket Garden at Kennedy Space Center

Travel/Art Journaling Starter Kit

Journaling Supplies
These are the portable journaling supplies that I take with me on my adventures.

Here is a short supply list to get you started with art/travel journaling:


Pick a journal that is easy to take anywhere.  Do not get a journal with standard book binding as they wear out.

  • Good: Spiral Sketchbook (5″ x 8″) thick paper is best for watercoloring
  • Best: The Origninal 5″x7.5″ Journal with watercolor paper from Iona Handcrafted Books


What else would you recommend?

Now find an Urban Sketchers group in your area or where you plan to visit and start chronicling your journey.

30 Years of Journals

Michael S. Scherotter

Journalist & Urban Sketcher | Journaling Adventures | Journaling Workshops

Thank you everyone who came to my first show at The Forge Tattoo on Friday night – I had a great time showing everyone my journals and chatting about them. Hopefully I inspired a few people to pick up a pen and journal to start chronicling their journeys as well. Doing an event like this got me thinking that I need to do more to share my craft.  So here is my ask to you:

if you know of a group that would like a workshop on journaling, a business who would like to host a show of my collection, or someone who would like to help plan or take a journaling adventure, please reach out to me – see my proposal here.

Journaling Supplies
These are the portable journaling supplies that I take with me on my adventures.




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Michael Scherotter’s journals 1987-2017

30 Years of Journals at The Forge Tattoo, Fairfax, CA 9/22/2017

Michael Scherotter’s journals 1987-2017

Please join me at the first Fairfax Art Walk, 5-7:30 PM in downtown Fairfax, California where I will show my collections of 30 years of journals at The Forge Tattoo, 1906 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax, CA.

At the Fairfax Art Walk, stores and businesses in downtown Fairfax will become art galleries, exhibiting local artists’ work in a family-friendly atmosphere.

I have been keeping journals for thirty years and this will be my first exhibit.  Even if you have no interest in getting a tattoo, please come to The Forge Tattoo in downtown Fairfax so I can share my journals with you.